As more pressure is put on pesticide usage, applicators must look to an IPM program when dealing with unwanted vegetation. We may need to divide areas into different categories as far as what is acceptable and not acceptable. We need to be able to count or measure plant populations in order to decide the solution required. Monitoring of vegetation will be discussed. Thresholds will be defined and discussed. A look at various control measures will be examined included guidelines for selecting appropriate herbicides.
Definition of IPM and a discussion on the principles of IPM: Pest identification; Monitoring; Threshold levels; Control measures and Evaluation. An example will be used to illustrate the principles.
This webinar looks at the importance of accurate measurement. From calculating area size for the pesticide application to accurate measurement of tank sizes and pesticide rates. One of the reasons for pesticide resistance can be improper applying chemicals at reduced rates without even being aware you are doing so. Sprayer tanks and measuring equipment need to be checked and rechecked to ensure proper rates are being applied. On the other side overapplication is expensive and wasteful. Join Tim as he shows you the problem and ways to do accurate measurement.
Spray drift is an applicator's worst nightmare. It is a leading cause of complaints for sprayer applicators. In the last few years, nozzle manufactures have developed different types of nozzles to help reduce drift. This web cast seminar looks at different types of nozzles and how they work. Also examined are other ways to reduce drift besides nozzle selection.
It is part of every applicator's job to complete their pesticide applicator records when applying pesticides. Join Tim as he reviews what is required, how long they must be kept and ways you may be able to simplify them. Health Canada's Buffer Zone calculator is discussed and used to show applicators other tools available that may affect their applications near open bodies of water.